Poached Parchment (PDF)


A Scriveners Guild.

Seemingly a place of quiet work and contemplation, however its Guild Master is a Wizard of mighty repute and holds many treasures.

Recently, they have gained possession of a rare and sought after tome.

Plan, cheat, or lie your way into the organisation and, perhaps, make away with the prize.

This heist is compatible with Old-School Essentials.

SKU: gmkjwr-1 Categories: ,


A Scriveners Guild.

Seemingly a place of quiet work and contemplation, however its Guild Master is a Wizard of mighty repute and holds many treasures.

Recently, they have gained possession of a rare and sought after tome.

Plan, cheat, or lie your way into the organisation and, perhaps, make away with the prize.

This adventure module outlines a stronghold of a name level Magic User who runs a guild of scriveners. This is a 38-room keyed dungeon, that outlines a working guild with a few arcane secrets.

This heist is compatible with Old-School Essentials.

Hail, Adventurer!

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